Our Pou / Portfolios

Mana Takata

Wairewa Rūnanga aspires to support whānau into healthy lifestyles with meaningful mahi, who are proud of who they are and where they are from. The Rūnanga will provide opportunities for whānau to engage in activities to work towards these whāinga.

Pou Members

Marissa Barry

Sarah-Jane Terekia

Ana Verdult

Dani Taunoa

Maire Kipa

Mana Whenua, Mana Moana

Protecting and maintaining our relationship with te taiao within the Wairewa Takiwā. We apply a ‘ki uta, ki tai’ approach to our kaitiakitaka and provide opportunities for whānau to connect with whenua, moana and wai.

Pou Members

Ana Gray

Eden Skipper

Erana Riddell

Irai Weepu

Aaria Rolleston

Raniera Bartlett

Wayne Alexander

Robin Wybrow

Matiu Prebble


Strengthening cultural identity and whanaukataka, deepening our knowledge and connection to our history, tikanga and kawa; celebrating our culture and inspiring purpose.

Pou Members

Charisma Rangipunga

Mark Rangi

Iaean Cranwell

Kenny Brown

Kelly Barry

Ahi Kā

Affirming the place of Kāti Makō, Kāti Irakehu as mana whenua mana moana, and enabling whānau to thrive on our own whenua.

Pou Members

Te Aroha Thompson

Alvina Edwards

Anita Panirau

Wiki Martin

Gwen Rolleston

Kiri Panirau