Winter Warmer Grant
Our Winter Warmer Grant aims to provide assistance to registered whānau toward the cost of heating their home over the winter months. This grant is limited to 1 application per household, and can be used for:
Each household is limited to receiving up to a maximum of $200. This grant is given as assistance, you will need to cover any remaining costs.
To be eligible for funding, applicants must:
Be registered with Wairewa Rūnanga Inc. Soc. for at least 6 months, and those under 18 must have at least one parent registered.
Provide all necessary supporting documents required to process the application.
Applications must provide:
An invoice, receipt, or written quote from your power or firewood supplier. Note: your invoice, receipt or quote cannot be older than 6 weeks.
If another household member’s name is on your invoice, receipt or quote, please provide proof of address, e.g., government letter, bank statement.
Proof of personal or supplier’s bank account details.
Please note:
Funds are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis until the budget is exhausted, and each application is considered individually. The Mana Tangata Pou can close the grants at any time.
If you have any pātai, please contact our office at 0800 924 7392 or wairewa.grants@ngaitahu.iwi.nz.